Four Day Wait Rule

I would highly recommend parents to follow the FOUR DAY rule for introducing new foods to babies.

For those who don't know what the FOUR Day rule is, it simply means waiting at least 4 days before introducing each new food to your baby. This would apply to all kinds of food or spices as well.

 So, for example, if you introduce your baby to avocado for the very first time on Monday, then  you should wait until Thursday to try another new food.

The point of the four day rule is not that it prevents allergies but if a reaction does present itself you will know exactly what food item your baby is allergic or sensitive to. If you  introduce multiple new foods at once and your child has an allergic reaction, it would be difficult to isolate the culprit.

The rule isn't just limited to identifying allergic reactions but also helps to identify food that may cause less serious but nevertheless uncomfortable problems like gas, diarrhea, constipation, nappy rash etc.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new blog. Great idea! Looking forward to your recipes.


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